Let’s Celebrate National Gum Care Month

It seems that lately there is always a new holiday or celebration coming up on the calendar. Being that it is September, we all know and celebrate Labor Day, which also typically signifies the end of summer when you live anywhere close to the Jersey Shore. If you are looking for a unique day to observe in the month of September, why not look into National Talk Like a Pirate Day, which is celebrated on September 19th. We want to take a few moments and discuss National Gum Care Month, which also occurs during the month of September. Many of our patients are extremely focused on the health of their teeth; however, gum health is just as important. Over half of the adults in America suffer from some form of gum disease.

Get Your Smile Ready For Fall

It’s hard to believe that another summer is wrapping up. September is here, which means that school is starting back up again, work schedules are returning to normal, fall sports are in full swing, and busy fall days are on the horizon. It’s crazy to think that before we know it the holiday season will be here again. Would you love to make a subtle change to your smile this fall for any upcoming events and holiday fun that you have planned? Your smile will be sure to wow the crowd. Continue reading to learn more about a popular treatment that can make bright changes to your teeth.