Candy Alternatives To Use This Halloween

At Caring Dental of Spotswood, we’re committed to helping our patients maintain excellent oral health. With Halloween quickly approaching, many of our patients are enjoying parties and events filled with candy and sweet treats. And, of course, trick-or-treating will be here before you know it! Eating too much candy can lead to serious oral health complications. Over the past few years, many options have become popular for limiting or removing Halloween candy from the home. Here are three ideas you might want to try:

Are Sensitive Teeth Holding You Back?

Do you struggle to eat certain foods because you experience discomfort in your teeth? Do you have a hard time eating hot and cold foods at the same time? If so, you may be dealing with tooth sensitivity. Many people experience tooth sensitivity from time to time, especially after receiving certain dental treatments. However, if you notice frequent sensitivity issues, you may have a serious problem with your oral health. Read on to learn more.

Caring For Your Teeth This Summer

We hope you are having a great summer! We love hearing from our patients about all of their summer plans. Whether you are traveling, spending time with friends and family, heading to the beach, or just relaxing at home, our area is the place to be during the summer months. We want to share some important reminders to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy during this summer and into the fall and beyond:

An Easy Way To Protect Your Kid’s Teeth Against Cavities

Did you know that we now see children three years old and older? When we see our pediatric patients for an oral hygiene examination, parents are often concerned about dental decay, one of the most common oral health conditions in children. We are happy to offer a treatment that helps prevent decay from developing on teeth. Read on to learn more and see if this treatment would be beneficial to your children and your family.

3 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

In addition to caring about the health of your teeth, we are also concerned about the state of your gums. Gum disease is a common condition that affects more than half of American adults. The likelihood that you or a loved one will develop this disease is quite high. Gum disease is when the gum tissue becomes irritated and infected. It is important to monitor your mouth for any changes that may occur. There are certain things you can do to ensure your gums remain healthy:

Springtime Is The Best Time For A Dental Check-Up

We don’t know how you feel, but we are thrilled that spring has arrived. We love all the blooming flowers and are anxiously awaiting the summer months to arrive. One thing that many people love to do in the spring is spring cleaning. We think this concept is perfect for our patients as well. If it has been some time since you visited our office, now is the perfect time to schedule a “spring cleaning” by visiting us for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning. Read on to learn more.

What To Know About Baby Teeth

If you have a young child in your life, you know how exciting all of the milestones can be when they are a baby and move through childhood. Once children move out of the baby and toddler stages, there are very few milestones left that are celebrated in a big way, except for one: losing your first baby tooth. Losing baby teeth can be exciting and nerve-racking. We want to answer some questions about losing baby teeth to help ease your mind.

Dental Myths Debunked

At Caring Dental of Spotswood, we want to help our patients have excellent oral health. Unfortunately, some of our patients don’t always follow practices that will help ensure a positive result. Dental misconceptions can negatively affect your oral health and lead to serious complications and problems. We want to share some common dental myths that can negatively affect your oral health: