Are Bad Dental Habits Harming Your Teeth?
At Caring Dental of Spotswood, we do everything we can to keep your teeth and mouth in optimal health; however, we can only do so much in the short time that we see you each year. For the remainder of the year, your dental habits have the biggest effect on the state of your overall oral health. You may be surprised to learn that certain things you do on a daily basis are having a negative effect on your oral health and can lead to serious and expensive complications in the future. We want to share some bad dental habits that could be causing damage to your oral health:
Brushing too Hard
Although the outer covering of the teeth is the strongest substance in the body, it is not indestructible. Brushing too hard can lead to the enamel becoming damaged beyond repair. It can also lead to the gums becoming damaged.
Using Teeth as a Tool
When a package needs to be opened or a tag needs to be ripped off of an item, it can be tempting to use your teeth to quickly achieve the desired results. Using your teeth as a tool can cause them to become cracked or chipped. Take a few extra moments to use a proper tool to fit your needs.
Clenching or Grinding Teeth
Many patients are surprised to learn that they clench and grind their teeth. A large percentage of patients who experience this are unaware because it is happening in their sleep. Over time, this can lead to worn and weakened enamel and cracked or broken teeth.
Frequent Snacking
As you can imagine, frequent snacking is not ideal for your oral health. Food particles and bacteria remain on the teeth, resulting in increased tooth decay and the need for dental intervention.
If you are located in the Spotswood, NJ area and are concerned that any of these bad habits have already caused damage to your teeth, please call our office to schedule an appointment. We can work together to come up with a dental plan that is right for you and your needs. We look forward to seeing you soon!