Can You Solve This Autumn Riddle?
I hope you know by now that everything new I bring to the practice is for the benefit of my patients; from techniques and treatments to brand new team members, it has to be spectacular if I’m going to offer it to you. With patient benefits in mind, can you solve this riddle:
Q: What do ice cream, coffee, cereal, and dentistry have in common?
A: For over a year, I have been working on a project that I knew would WOW the autumn-enthusiasts among my patients. Every time I went to the grocery store, I was reminded of its importance. What is it?
That’s right … Pumpkin Spice! Thanks to advancements in dentistry, I will be offering patients Pumpkin Spice-Flavored gel. No matter what the procedure, if topical anesthetic gel is called for, you can choose to enjoy the taste most synonymous with fall. If pumpkin spice is your thing, don’t wait too long before calling for an appointment, because this flavor will only be available through Thanksgiving (when I will announce another new flavor)!
From PSLs at Starbucks to Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, I know my patients enjoy the taste of their favorite holiday desserts. Contact my office today to schedule an appointment to enjoy your favorite fall flavor!